The Atoner: Regretful of his part in an escalating war with Apokolips that nearly destroyed everything.Following Final Crisis, he has been resurrected to lead the gods of good in their new home. After the end of the Fourth World, Izaya incarnated on Earth as a homeless man and led the struggling good gods. He sometimes returned to aid New Genesis by possessing the body of his hand-picked replacement, Takion. Of all the New Gods, Izaya has the closest connection to the Source, which he often consults in times of need.ĭuring Genesis, Izaya's physical form was killed by the Olympian war-god Ares, but his spirit lived on inside the Source.
As part of the pact between New Genesis and Apokolips, his son, Scott Free, was given as hostage to Darkseid, while Darkseid's son Orion was given to Izaya Orion became the New Gods' greatest hero, while Scott escaped Apokolips and became a hero as well. To add insult to the injury, if they happened to be allied with Earth or have it under their protection whenever Darkseid decides to attack Earth, chances are they are going to be defeated offscreen without much of a struggle to explain why they never helped. The Worf Effect: Their onscreen win-loss ratio against Apokolips is.dismal to say the least, often thanks to Darkseid.However, there is the Fantastic Racism against the Bugs, so it isn't entirely perfect either. Utopia: It's everything that Apokolips isn't.Heaven: The New God equivalent of it, just as Apokolips is the equivalent of Hell.Orion has a brutish face and both Mister Miracle and Big Barda are missing their original skin. Glamour Failure: Several of the Apokoliptian defectors have to rely on illusions to look as attractive as the New Genesis natives.
Predictably, this has led to occasional prejudice between the two, with many of the Gods regarding the Bugs as a lesser species.